Remember This Generation!!

A voice was heard in Ramah,
Weeping and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children;
And she refused to be comforted,
Because they were no more.
Matthew 2:18

Where is the Rachel’s who are weeping for our children? We do not weep for we are the ones who have given the order to kill our children. There is no weeping for we are the guilty ones. The children were not taken from us, we ordered them removed.

Where are the father’s weeping for our children? We are not weeping for we are the ones who stood by and let our children be killed. The protecting father took no action. We are the guilty ones.

Where is the church weeping for her children? We are not weeping, for we have watched and silently stood by while millions upon millions of babies have been taken from this generation.

As the Rachel’s have taken the lie of freedom, the lie that abortion will free them from shame, free them from responsibility, free them to live for themselves; the fathers have taken the lie that it was Rachel’s action, Rachel’s guilt of responsibility. And the church, the church has given their responsibility over to democracy. Democracy demands the freedom given to the group. Let the group, the nation decide. So where does God come in? When does God’s word become truth that stands above the nation?

A nation for the people; but what happens when the people, the fathers, the Rachels have been deceived? Wake up church, the enemy is in our midst. Your vote will not conquer him. Your programs, classes, marches; your guns will not conquer him. He abides inside the church. He has blinded you with apathy, he has bound you with guilt, he has bombarded you with programs and has stolen your time. Wake up church, the enemy has infiltrated your organization with corporate lies.

My dear Rachels, fathers; God is crying out for your children. He seeks your heart. He wants to reunite you with your little ones. They are not gone, they are in His hands. He holds the multitude of little ones, as He cries for what we have done. Don’t let this generation of lost ones go unnoticed.


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