Remind Me Dear Lord

Words from the song:  Remind Me Dear Lord by Dottie Rambo

   The things that I love and hold dear to my heart are just borrowed,
      they're not mine at all.   Jesus only let me use them to brighten my life, 
     So remind me, remind me dear Lord.
     Roll back the curtain of memory now and then,
     Show me where You brought me from, and where I could have been;
     Remember I'm human, and humans forget;
     So remind me, remind me, dear Lord.

   Nothing good have I done to deserve God's own Son;
      I'm not worthy of the scars in His hands, Yet He chose the road to 
      Calvary to die in my stead; Why he loved me, I can't understand.
      Roll back the curtain of memory now and then,
     Show me where You brought me from, and where I could have been;
     Remember I'm human, and humans forget;
     So remind me, remind me, dear Lord.

About 20 years ago as I was going through recovery from a past wound, I would sit at the piano and play this song over and over as tears would stream down my face.  I was feeling God's love as I became aware of how much He loved me.  I felt the love that I did not deserve.; the acceptance from one who I could never repay; a gratefulness as I remembered how far out of the darkness He had brought me. It was healing for me and once when a friend heard me playing, was drawn to know the Jesus who could love me in my darkest moment.  She too found Jesus and the healing and love she had never know. 

Today I sit at the piano and find myself aware of the first verse.  Although I knew the first verse I have never felt the precious grasp that things dear to my heart could hold.  I am reminded of not only how much I love them, I am also reminded of how they really aren't mine, I only have them to brighten my life.  I can't hold onto them too tight. As I have learned to open my heart to love, I must also learn to bear the pain that love holds. For with every love that is poured out and a bond that connects, there is pain as those bonds change.  As children grow a parents love for them seeks to hold on, but growth comes in letting go. Whether that is a child, grandchild, family or friend, when  we pour in love, as some point we must let that one that we love grow so they too can love. And I wonder if that means letting go of what we had before as we reach for what is ahead..... I wonder if God had to let go of Jesus so that Jesus could pour out  His love for us.

How interesting that God keeps me in His watch.  Just as I poured over that song 20 years ago, I found it 40 years ago not understanding the true meaning of it or how much I would connect to it. Even then I hung onto the song because it drew me to the love of the One I was seeking. I didn't know that I would have to be reminded of how much He loved me or the road He would take down or how much I would need Him when I loved.


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